Living Tree Montessori

Welcome to Living Tree Montessori. We are a small family business with 20 years of experience in teaching the Montessori method. We also had the wonderful experience of raising a child through Montessori from an infant through junior high. Over the years of teaching, I have observed that children in this environment are confident, kind, and independent. I learned that having a prepared environment helps children to develop their independence and encourages exploration. We are here to help and support parents and teachers by offering tips and resources to help establish a love for learning. Our goal is to inspire hands-on learning through exploration and imagination.

Living Tree Montessori Color

Living Tree Montessori provides tips and resources to encourage hands-on learning.      We create engaging books, journals, and materials to help inspire a love of learning.

Our goal is to inspire imagination and creativity while having fun learning.

Helping Your Child Navigate Through Daily Tasks Using Routine Cards

Routine cards are visual aids that help children navigate through daily tasks by providing a structured and predictable schedule. Here are some ways they can help: Visual Representation: Children, especially younger ones and those with learning differences, often understand visual information better than verbal instructions alone. Routine cards use pictures or simple icons to represent […]

Creating Healthy Boundaries with Your Child

Creating healthy boundaries with your child: A Guide to Positive Parenting Establishing healthy boundaries with your child is essential for their emotional development and your relationship as a parent. Boundaries provide structure, safety, and guidance, helping children understand their limits and responsibilities while fostering independence and respect. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to establish […]

Nurturing Self-Esteem in Children

In the intricate tapestry of a child’s development, self-esteem emerges as a fundamental thread that weaves through their entire life. It acts as a compass, guiding them through challenges, setbacks, and triumphs. As adults, we hold the key to nurturing and cultivating this essential trait in our children, shaping their beliefs about themselves and their […]